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October 10, 2011

Stealing Bridges and Buying Buildings to Scrap
Filed under: Construction — Tags: — nedpelger

The increase in scrap metal prices has changed behavior. Lex just shot me an article about a Western PA bridge that was stolen for scrap, titled How Does an Entire Bridge Go Mission? Since the 50′ long bridge was on an abandoned rail line and in a remote area, the theives (perhaps unemployed construction workers?) took what police estimated to be a month to demo and scrap the bridge.

The photo above, not of the stolen bridge but a stock photo, gives a sense of how much steel could be recycled from the caper. It hardly seems worth going to jail, especially considering that a only a few scrap yards exist and would need to be investigated, but someone thought it worth the risk.

Another, less risky, venture I recently read about in the Central Penn Business News involved demo companies buying old industrial properties just for the scrap value of the buildings. With the dismal real estate market, particularly in old industrial areas, some firms actually can profit from purchasing early industrial buildings (which probably have lots of copper wiring and heavy steel structures) and scrapping the buildings. Then the property can be sold later when the market rebounds.

We recently demolished an old school building to build a church and I was amazed at the scrap prices we received. Keep the value of recycling in mind as you make renovation decisions. Some options now deserve some analysis that previously would have been dismissed immediately. The world, she’s a changing.


October 7, 2011

3 Memorizing Life Stories from Steve Jobs
Filed under: People Skills — Tags: — nedpelger

Take the 15 minutes to watch this inspiring commencement speech from Steve Jobs. He rarely shared personal info, but shares three stories here which truly motivate.


As a quick recap:

  1. You can’t connect the dots forward: make decisions without too much fear, knowing it will only make sense looking back…you can only connect the dots backward.
  2. Embrace failures: lose the heaviness of success and do great work by loving what you do.
  3. Remember you will be dead soon, you don’t have that much to lose: don’t waste your time living someone else’s life.

On the back cover of the final Whole Earth Catalog, remember these words, “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”

We honor you, Mr Jobs, for a life intensely lived and for creating beauty and change.


October 6, 2011

The Guy Working Next to Me
Filed under: Construction — Tags: — nedpelger

Five years ago, Charlie Roberts, a disturbed young man, stormed an Amish school here and took lots of kids hostage. You probably read about the Nickel Mines Amish school shooting. Roberts shot ten Amish schoolgirls, execution style. Five of those girls survived and five didn’t.

A few years before that, Charlie was working for a local overhead door firm, installing doors on a new factory we were building. As I walked the project and chatted with workers, I never considered the possibility that one of them would soon be a mass murderer.

I offer no insight into why Charlie did that terrible crime or even what folks should do to try to prevent future crazy acts. I simply have no idea.

A recent news story about the response of Charlie’s Mom touched me, though. Terri Roberts lost a son the day of the Nickel Mines shooting, as well as her sense of peace that life somehow makes sense. She can’t bring her son back, or those that perished. What Terri did do, though, inspires and amazes me.

Several months after the shooting, Terri and her husband were visiting some of the Amish victims. As was widely reported, the Amish families forgave Charlie and his family almost immediately, not holding a grudge for an act that was impossible to understand. As Terri talked with the families, she learned of Rosanna King, one of the wounded girls who can’t walk, talk or eat, but is aware of her surroundings.

Terri began a weekly visit to Rosanna. The Huffington Post article describes it so well:

Almost every Thursday evening since, Terri has visited the Kings for several hours, singing to Rosanna, cleaning her bedclothes, bathing her limp body and reading her Bible stories.

After the first few visits, Terri cried all the way home. “Lord, I can’t do this,” she said. But she went back the next week, and the next.

“She’s got to be an awful strong woman to be able to do that,” said Rosanna’s father, Christ King. “Some of the evenings that Terri is there, Rosanna has a rough time or cries a lot. You can’t help but think about what happened and why she is like she is. I don’t know that I’d be that strong.”

I share this redemption story to inspire you and me. Let’s try to live as our best selves today. Let’s do the hard work that we discover in our path.


October 5, 2011

Watching a Plan Come Together
Filed under: Cool Projects — Tags: — nedpelger

The construction company in the video below had less than a day to demolish a highway bridge, clean up the debris and get traffic moving under the phantom span. Watching the time lapse photography execution of the plan fills me with admiration for the planners.


As you consider the challenges facing you this week, this month and next year, take some more time to plan, to contemplate better ways of accomplishing the task. It’s a wonderful thing to watch a plan come together. Become known as an effective planner. Your value will increase as will your level of satisfaction.

Remember, to become a solid planner, you need to pull yourself out of the daily fray and take some time to think deeply about how things could be done better. You’ll need some discipline to extricate yourself from the crisis du jour, but it’s a skill worth learning.

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