Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at ned@constructionknowledge.net
Please help him win his readership competition against his son Lex at the Construction Phone Apps Blog
I got the following news release from the folks at Engineering News Record about the contest I helped judge. It was a fascinating process.
Engineering News-Record (ENR) is pleased to announce the winners of its fourth annual Best of the Best Projects Awards, a national competition that recognizes design and construction excellence based on regional winners of ENR’s seven regional publications’ Best Projects 2011 Awards. Winners will be profiled in the February 13, 2012 issue of ENR.
Out of 119 regional Best Projects winners, an independent jury of design and construction professionals selected 18 winners in categories ranging from green building to transportation. Projects were judged on safety, innovation, contribution to the industry/community, aesthetic and functional quality of design and construction craftsmanship.
One project, to be announced in the February 13, 2012 issue of ENR, will also be selected for the Editor’s Choice Award—a single project that stood out to ENR’s editors as an outstanding achievement in 2011.
ENR’s Best of the Best 2011 Award Winners:
Best of the Best Panel of Judges:
For more information, watch for the forthcoming Feb. 13, 2012 issue of ENR, or visit www.enr.com.
My choice for overall winner would be the Merck VBF industrial project. They built a 214,000 sf virus vaccine facility with an amazing level of planning and benchmarking. By utilizing modular mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems built offsite, they shaved the schedule from 46 months to 30 months. They had 1.5M work-hours with no recordable accidents and only 3 minor recordable incidents. They also set diversity goals for bidding opportunity, participation and awards and exceeded government goals by 30%. Overall, my pick for the best project of 2011.
I came across one of the most thought provoking lectures I’ve seen in years and decided to share it with you. Since you read this blog, you probably do some construction related work…or wish you did. I often write about the joy of building. When we build, we use tools to improve the physical world. In fact, our tools differentiate us from the rest of life on the planet.
Pulling an illustration from the lecture, how efficient do you think humans are in locomotion (moving ourselves a certain distance)? Turns out, we are middle of the animal pack. We use a bit less energy to move a km than a dog, a bit more than a horse and not even close to the winners…condors. But when we hop on a bicycle, we far surpass the condor in efficiency. Steve Jobs used this illustration to conclude that the computer becomes the bicycle for our minds. With the computer, we have the most important invention in human history and we’re just starting to get into the really cool uses.
So when I watched Wilson Miner from Apple speak for 38 minutes on When We Build, I knew it was something I needed to share with you. I know 38 minutes is a long time. I can tell you the lecture is beautiful, pulling in images, video and ideas that can’t be replicated by just words. I strongly encourage you to take the time to watch the video below and think deeply about how the computer will change how you work and live. One idea could change your life.
Wilson Miner – When We Build from Build on Vimeo.
Having my own construction business was never really a dream of mine. I knew my wife’s concern for security and believed that she simply wouldn’t be able to live with the perceived risks. Then again, I never really did much long range planning in my life. I thought hard about what I wanted to do that day, that week and even that year, but never planned beyond a year. With all the variables involved, planning beyond a year just seemed (and still seems) like a waste of effort.
But November of 1995 suddenly lined up a few elements in my life. For the first time in years, I wasn’t that engaged in my job. I’d come through a serious illness and had re-evaluated life priorities. The concept of failure didn’t seem as scary. We didn’t have much money, but TBW believed in my capabilities. I was reasonably sure that if I failed, I could get some one to hire me to do something that would keep the family in food and the donkeys in hay. The economy was just coming out of a recession…in fact, a recession stemming from financial institutions over-lending.
So I jumped into my own business with no work lined up and the jobs came in a trickle, then a steady flow. I’ve never regretted the move and can’t imagine going back. A number of friends are contemplating making their own jump and feeling that same pressure. Here are 5 reasons I believe the Spring of 2012 is a great time to start your own construction business.
Good luck and Godspeed. By the way, expect a bit of a blip from the Euro crashing and burning, but I don’t believe that’s going to kill our recovery in the USA.
Houston Neal at the Construction Software Advice website pulled together a survey to gather data on construction estimating. The 2012 Construction Estimating Benchmark Survey does an excellent job of making you think about how you estimate projects and how your estimating process works.
Since estimating costs matters so much in construction, it’s worth ten minutes of your time to do the survey. Neal will send you the results, which should also provide some valuable info for most of us. Even if you’re not primarily an estimator, please take the survey. Thanks.
The photos below show a hydraulic excavator working on the roof of a 12 story building in China. Presumably wanting to demo the building without the expense of a controlled implosion, the Contractor should be paying the excavator operator combat pay for this assignment.
The most fun part of this story is the comments the local residents posted about the excavator on the roof. Take a moment to read those comments and you’ll get a bit of insight into China. Certainly different from comments you’d read about a similar incident in an American city. Can you imagine someone posting, “Americans are simply intelligent”? Also, if you hover your mouse above the comment text, you get to see how it was written in Chinese.
22 years ago the Swedes built a 500 sf igloo and called it the Ice Hotel. Every winter a new incarnation gets designed and built, each time bigger and better. This year’s building comes in at almost 50,000 sf and stuns the senses. The photos below give us a peek.
So you probably don’t have anything as cool (or as cold) to work on as the Ice Hotel today, but you’ve got something important to do. Strive to work hard and do your best today. In the end, you’re either in that small group of competent people that get things done…or you’re not.
Last week I got an email from Jewel Cameron. He wanted to join the Construction Knowledge mailing list and told me a bit about himself. He’s from Guyana and has 25 yeas of practical construction experience there. I thought, “That sounds fascinating” and asked him to provide some details about building in Guyana. He obliged below.
I appreciated Jewel’s comments and hope he continues to build his career in this great industry of construction. As I looked for photos of Guyana in Google images, the one below made me think of some construction challenges they encounter that I’m glad to forego.
Thought this might make you giggle a bit on a Friday.
Michael Bloomberg was a tech entrepreneur prior to being mayor of NYC. Last year Bloomberg solicited RFPs from universities to develop a high tech campus on city owned land with $100M of public money thrown into the mix. I love that kind of big thinking, it’s part of what made America great.
For example, when the Erie Canal connected the Great Lakes to the Hudson River, which was considered a huge boondoggle by many at the time, everything changed for NYC. Within 15 years, the NYC port became the largest in America by far. NYC hopes the high tech campus will be another Erie Canal moment.
Cornell University won the competition by teaming with Technion, an Israeli technology institute. They plan to build 2M sf at a cost of $2B (that’s right, $1,000/sf). The 11 acre Roosevelt Island site is only one subway stop from mid-Town. When Bloomsburg announced the Cornell-Technion award, he said, “By adding a new state-of-the-art institution to our landscape, we will educate tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and create the jobs of the future”. They are projecting 20,000 construction jobs and 8,000 permanent jobs.
Cornell’s bid was further sweetened by a $350M donation from the Atlantic Philanthropies (the largest donation in Cornell’s history). It’s wonderful to see parties converge on a big idea and do what it takes to make it happen.
I see my customers taking similar steps (on a reduced scale) and making some big decisions to move forward on various projects. It’s a good sign for America’s future…and for mine.
Maps are important in design and construction. During the project conception, we compare various locations and alternatives. We travel to places without addresses and consider the complexity, cost and value of building something. During construction, we struggle through the logistics of getting things from where they are to where they need to be.
From the time I was eight years old, I remember loving maps. As our family of seven drove to Florida in the station wagon, I was following our progress on a AAA map marked with a highlighter. That was before Rt 95 was completed and we’d go through little shack towns on Rt 301 in SC. I’d find the town we just left and the one we were entering next.
I loved finding where we were and knowing where we were going. I was surprised to hear others complain about not being able to fold the map correctly…it was so simple and logical. It’s said that to torture an engineers, tie them in a chair and incorrectly fold maps in front of them.
Maps are more than just information for getting somewhere. Well-designed maps clearly show multi-dimensional levels of data that improve the journey. Lex recently showed me such a map, the “The Essential Geography of the United States of America” which won the best of show award at the Cartography and Geographic Information Society.
This masterful map was lovingly created by David Imus to show the many aspects of the geography of the USA in a clear way. He spent two years designing and detailing the map (not using the teams of low paid drafters and checkers most big firms use) and thought through every piece of info on the map. It helps you visualize the physical arrangement of the country by clearly showing the following 10 elements: Global position, relative elevation, landforms, land cover, water, political units, city populations, landmarks, transportation and time zones.
You should have a copy of this map on the wall of your home or office. Children should be able to see and study this map regularly. I bought a copy for my ten year old grandson and one for me. If the topic interests you, read this free 12 page pamphlet written by David Imus that explains how the map was designed and works. Buy a copy and put it on your wall. Understand the USA better. Give your brain a workout.
On a related note, the drawings we produce for construction projects should benchmark from this map. Imagine if we struggled to have more useful and easy to understand info on prints, rather than the same notes copied over and over by draftsman who don’t understand what we are building. This map motivates me to push for better drawings on my projects. If we accept the crappy drawings produced and don’t push for higher quality, then we’re part of the problem.