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Paraphrasing Frank Zappa from “Don’t You Jive Me with That Cosmic Debris“, I just saw a useful post about things that will cost less in 2011 and things that will cost more. These two posts should help you with your planning for the year.
The 12 Things that will Cost Less in 2011 illustrates some fascinating trends. For example, the Kindle book reader cost $259 in 2009, $130 in 2010 and should get to $99 in 2011. A 2 TerraByte (TB) hard drive went from $140 in 2009, to $90 in 2010 and should get to $50 in 2011. For $50, you could never have to worry about computer storage quantities again.
How about things going up? The 20 Things that will Cost More in 2011 also is worth the read. Car Insurance, Chocolate, Airfare, Cars, Food, Water, Gold, Ammunition and Movie Tickets are a few of the culprits. The fast food dollar menu items will soon be only a memory. And of course, postal rates and college tuition will continue their extended run above inflation rates.
What about construction pricing? Can it go down any further? I really doubt it. Lots of firms have been working below costs for the past two years. As these firm slide into bankruptcy, the cost of construction will rise. So the secret is…don’t go bankrupt before it gets better.
It’s like the Steve Martin joke about how to make a million dollars and not pay taxes. First, get a million dollars. Then, when the IRS agent knocks on your door and asks why you didn’t pay taxes, just say, “I forgot.”