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October 19, 2011
Who Shouldn’t Start a Construction Business?
If you know you could perform your job much better, but aren’t going to for your (pick one) jackass boss, low wages or company that promotes idiots, then you shouldn’t start a construction company. Customers are harder than all the above annoyances. The folks that excelled for their previous bosses tend to do well in their own firm. The complainers, malcontents and brilliant guys that won’t waste their efforts without appropriate rewards go bankrupt.
If you can’t manage your personal finances and are always on the verge of fiscal ruin, then you shouldn’t start a construction company. The same self control that allows folks to make their ends meet in tough situations cause prosperity in business.
If you are a liar, a chisler or a theif, you shouldn’t start a construction business. In a small business, reputation rules. The poor character and bad moral choices you made in your previous jobs probably won’t change when you run your own business. What will change, though, is that others can much more easily avoid you. Word spreads quickly about bad behavior and no one has to use your firm. In short, good character pays.
So, it’s a great time to start thinking about your own construction business, but not for the knuckleheads described above.