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December 27, 2011
Woody Guthrie’s New Year’s Resolutions for 1942
Woody Guthrie wrote some of the best American songs, including “This Land is Your Land“, as he traveled looking for work in the Great Depression. In fact, he sub-titled the song, “God Blessed America for Me” because he was tired of Irving Berlin’s unrealistic “God Bless America” that got so much radio play.
I’ve been a fan of Woody Guthrie’s hobo writing style since my teenage years and was fascinated by the hard times he lived through. Many folks in construction are getting a taste of those type of hard times in the last few years. When I say Woody’s New Year’s Resolutions in a BoingBoing post, I was amused and touched…thought you might be as well. Pay particular attention to his doodle drawings next to his goals.
I hope you are taking some time to think about what you accomplished and how you lived in 2011 and what you want to be different for 2012. We all know our projects go better when we plan well and execute intensely. Let’s do the same things for our careers, in fact, for our lives.