Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at ned@constructionknowledge.net
Please help him win his readership competition against his son Lex at the Construction Phone Apps Blog
Having my own construction business was never really a dream of mine. I knew my wife’s concern for security and believed that she simply wouldn’t be able to live with the perceived risks. Then again, I never really did much long range planning in my life. I thought hard about what I wanted to do that day, that week and even that year, but never planned beyond a year. With all the variables involved, planning beyond a year just seemed (and still seems) like a waste of effort.
But November of 1995 suddenly lined up a few elements in my life. For the first time in years, I wasn’t that engaged in my job. I’d come through a serious illness and had re-evaluated life priorities. The concept of failure didn’t seem as scary. We didn’t have much money, but TBW believed in my capabilities. I was reasonably sure that if I failed, I could get some one to hire me to do something that would keep the family in food and the donkeys in hay. The economy was just coming out of a recession…in fact, a recession stemming from financial institutions over-lending.
So I jumped into my own business with no work lined up and the jobs came in a trickle, then a steady flow. I’ve never regretted the move and can’t imagine going back. A number of friends are contemplating making their own jump and feeling that same pressure. Here are 5 reasons I believe the Spring of 2012 is a great time to start your own construction business.
Good luck and Godspeed. By the way, expect a bit of a blip from the Euro crashing and burning, but I don’t believe that’s going to kill our recovery in the USA.