Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at
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March 17, 2012
Live Your Passion: Be Inspired and Inspiring
As I walked in the woods this morning, watching the dog chase squirrels with pure delight, I thought about passion. As several deer ran ahead of me with their white tails like flags in the the air, I just had to smile. I’m stressed these days, with lots of work and that same amount of time in each day. Yet I enjoy my work, my writing and thinking and my exercising. I know the stress makes me more productive as long as I don’t go into the nutty range.
So here’s to long balanced and productive days, just short of nuttiness. The Google video below inspires us all to find our passion, to be inspired and inspiring to others. This is your one shot on Earth, man, make the most of it!