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August 15, 2012
Risk Analysis: Don’t Fool with the Bull
As you must have heard, it’s Shark Week. The Discovery Channel dedicates a week to the immense scariness of sharks. In truth, from 2003 to 2008 in USA, 4 people were killed by sharks and 108 by cows. So cows are 27 times more dangerous than sharks. So a BoingBoing columnist declared this Cow Week and will be writing an article about a cow related death each day.
Recently the Times of India reported Bhoop Narayan Prajapati, a 65-year-old resident of Deori Township in the Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh, was gored by a bull and later died of his wounds. Turns out Bhoop had been fueding with this bull for over six months. He hit him with a stick and was gored. Then the bull started hanging around his hut and Bhoop threw a cup of hot water on him. The next day the bull came back and gored him. But then it gets weird:
Much to people’s surprise, the bull reached the hospital following Prajapati. Deepak Chourasia, a town-dweller, said that when the mortal remains of the old man were being consigned to flames the bull again sprang a surprise by arriving at the crematorium.
That bull wanted to make sure he finished the job.
As you think about Shark Week and Cow Week, think about the risks in your life and your business that you mis-allocate. In what areas do you worry about insignificant risks and what are the real risks you should be focused on? The only way to get that answer is through study and analysis. Take time to think about the risks that matter.