Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at ned@constructionknowledge.net
Please help him win his readership competition against his son Lex at the Construction Phone Apps Blog
After more struggles and failures than I care to remember, I’ve finally got the first three ConstructionKnowledge.net training videos posted on YouTube. Please do me a favor and click on each of the links below, watch and give a rating. I believe I’ve incorporated most of the suggestions from readers for improving the videos and am curious what you think.
Converting Inches to Decimal Feet for Construction Supervisors teaches one of the most useful skills I’ve ever learned. Did you find this video helpful? Any comments?
Next, I have Soil Density and Proctor Tests for Construction Supervisors which shows some practical basics about soils and compaction on site. As an aside, I remember when I first began learning about soils in engineering school. My professor was this French guy I could barely understand who taught the entire semester about LePlace Transformations. He was studying how these mathematical models could predict soil behavior. I never knew what he was talking about, except when he occasionally mentioned soils and that anyone can go to the US Navy Soils Manual and learn all the simple basics on their own. I tried to be more interesting and practical in my teaching and am interested in your thoughts about the soils video.
Finally, I have The Secret of Success for Construction Supervisors redone and much improved…I think. Please let me know what you think.