Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at ned@constructionknowledge.net
Please help him win his readership competition against his son Lex at the Construction Phone Apps Blog
The Ironworkers that repair and maintain the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco often find some odd ancillary duties. Many folks decide the bridge would be a good jumping off place, so to speak, and decide they are going to end their lives there. The Ironworkers go to those poor souls hanging on the beams or ledges and act as the first responders on the scene.
Two of these Ironworkers, shown below, tell some of the stories here. It’s an interesting listen, made possible by the StoryCorps, a fascinating website that allows regular people (non-celebrities) to record the best stories of their lives. The website then selects the best of the best and allows the rest of us to have a listen. It’s a good place to visit from time to time to gain some perspective on your own life.