Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at ned@constructionknowledge.net
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When you see that amazing thing and think, “Wow, I wish I had a video camera.” Well, this guy in Kiev, Russia caught that incredible shot below.
As you do your work this week, remember that the guy running the crane that day was not planning to have an accident. He just wasn’t paying proper attention. Don’t let this week be your last, from something you can prevent.
By the way, that crane accident tore the balconies off the apartment building and damaged a few cars, but no humans were injured.
One big wind gust from Hurricane Sandy left a crane boom dangling 1000′ above West 57th Street in NYC. This 90 story building will be the tallest in the city that includes residences. The New York Times calls it a “Trophy address for some of the world’s richest people.” The top floor condos are being sold for $90M US each.
The 30 second video above gives a great sense of standing on the street and seeing this catastrophe. Nearby buildings have been evacuated and the electricity and gas turned off in the vicinity. They are concerned, of course, about the boom falling and creating a natural gas explosion.
Hat tip to my brother Jim for sending this info from way out in Montana. We both stayed at a hotel nearby in the luxurious 1990s. Glory Days.