Ned Pelger's blog on construction, design and other weirdness. Email him at ned@constructionknowledge.net
Please help him win his readership competition against his son Lex at the Construction Phone Apps Blog
The Schoutens came to Lititz from Holland. When I was a youngster, I remember all these little Dutch boys playing at the swimming pool and their pretty mom and funny dad. Years later, when building the Highlands at Warwick apartment buildings in Lititz, we bought pizza and ice cream for the entire crew. As we ate, I began talking with one of the drywallers and realized it was Erik Schouten, who I hadn’t seen for years.
A couple of years later, Erik started his own drywall business and we worked together on the Crest at Elm Tree apartments. During that time, Erik innovated. I’ll let him explain.
So Erik developed this simple clip that prevents drywall stacks from toppling and injuring others. He got it patented, worked to get ASTM to include the clip in regulations (almost competed), and has been selling the clips to various drywall supply yards. As a full disclosure I should note that TBW and I believed in the business enough to invest some of our hard earned shekels. It’s cool to be part of an innovation.
So that’s the back story. A few days ago this video appeared that was produced by Canada’s version of OSHA. Please take the minute to watch it.
Isn’t that a wonderful promotion from someone who has no ties to the Rock Steady clip? Erik has been getting these kinds of bumps over and over. It’s great to see the progress of a good idea moving forward in these challenging times.