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Steel Shapes for Metal
Fabrication & Construction
Find the design properties for your US hot rolled steel shapes:
schematics, dimensions, area, Sx, Sy, Ix, & Iy
“As a fabricator of structurals we are constantly asked for the
height and width of steel. We might not have a manual with us but we
always have a cell phone. This is perfect for us.”
- Raymond Di Giambattista
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Beam Design Calculator for Construction
A wood beam design calculator to check simple beam and joist loadings.
“Top app if you need to find out the size of the timber you need to span
a gap with different loadings. Get this app.”
- Top Cab in iTunes store
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Beam Design Calculator for Construction
A steel beam design calculator to check simple beam loadings.
“Great for welders & contractors”
- Jimmy in the Android Market
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Units Calculator for Construction
A unit conversion calculator for construction & building
“Simple app for field use - Nice to work out problems quickly in the
- Quoddusical in iTunes Store
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Strategy of
Personality Profiles for Better Communication
Find your own personality type and those of friends &
coworkers. Then compare them for suggestions on strategies for
better communication. Learn more about the personality types
“Great idea, useful for conflict resolution with
peers and superiors.” - User review from BlackBerry App World