1. Concrete Basics
2. Concrete Footings
3. Concrete Slabs on Grade
4. Concrete Walls, Slabs, Beams and Columns
5. Concrete Stairs
6. Precast Concrete
Concrete Basics:
- What concrete mixes are specified for the project? For what
- Are there any admixtures or additions to the mixes? When are they
to be used?
- What is the concrete testing plan?

Concrete Footings:
- What is the best building pad grade (elevation) to have for footing
- Will the footing layout use batter boards, offset hubs or some
other method?
- Does the footing layout include enough room for the excavation
equipment to work without destroying the layout?
- How will the excess material from footing excavation be handled?
- How will water, mud, etc be handled at this stage?
- Where may Ready Mix concrete trucks wash out their mixers and
- Where does any extra concrete from a truck get placed?
- How will the concrete footing top elevations be set during
concrete placement? Will the proposed method give acceptable top of
footing results?

Concrete Slabs on Grade:
- Where are the isolation joints, control joints, contraction
joints located? Does this arrangement make sense? Is it likely to
work well? Has expansion and contraction been considered in the
A/E Drawings?
- Is trench backfill responsibility clear? Will backfill under
slab trenches be tested?
- Who is responsible for sub-base leveling?
- Hot weather/cold weather placing requirements approved?
- Curing method approved?
- Special floor finishes & slab alignments

Concrete Walls, Slabs, Beams & Columns:
- Forming and tie method approved? Tie patching?
- Joint details clear and constructible?
- Type finish required? Stripping time?
- Curing method approved?
- Where do the congestion (where a lot of rebar comes
together) and trouble areas seem most likely?

Concrete Stairs:
- When should stairs be started in the Project?
Precast Concrete:
- Other trades to review Shop Drawings?
- Review connections, caulking, sealing?
- Special tolerances or guaranteed openings?