1. Doors
2. Windows
3. Hardware
4. Glass and Glazing
- Who reviews the submittals?
- Has anyone really verified that the Owner will be getting the
locking functions he or she really wants?
- Are door frame and door deliveries scheduled appropriately?
- Are unloading and storage issues worked out?
- If storing, are there any humidity concerns?
- Have the frames been checked after installation?
- Who reviews the submittals?
- Who guarantees the openings or measures the openings?
- Are deliveries scheduled appropriately?
- Will any temporary windows be required due to weather?
- Have window fastening issues been resolved?
- Have caulking details been resolved?

- Who reviews submittals?
- Has keying been resolved so the Owner gets what he or she actually
- Can any of the hardware be mounted in the shop rather than in
the field?
- How will hardware be stored in the field to prevent theft?
Glass & Glazing:
- Who reviews submittals?
- Is safety glass planned for everywhere the Building Official will
require it?
- Are there any special requirements for handling the glass?