- What is the project voltage, amperage and service phase?
- What is the connection to the power company? Do I have their
- What are the metering requirements?
- Where are the switchgear and panels located? Does the space
allotted seem adequate?
- Are the feeders to sub-panels underground or overhead?
- Are panel and transformer locations clear?
- Is conduit required? Where and what type?
- Does the project have a generator? If so, what load must be
carried on it?
- Do I understand the lighting types and requirements?
- Have light switching issues been resolved?
- Do I understand the power, phone and data outlet types,
requirements and locations?
- Have I considered areas of uncertainty between EC and other
- Exhaust fans in toilet rooms?
- Overhead door wiring?
- Electric door latch systems?
- Motor starters?
- Mounting boards?
- Are there any special systems I should be aware of?
- Lightning Protection?
- Fire Alarm?
- Security Alarm?
- Sound System?
- Video System?
- How are as-built drawings getting done?