1. Plumbing
3. Sprinklers
- What plumbing fixtures are proposed?
- How are the plumbing fixtures to be controlled? Is power or control
wiring required?
- What sanitary sewer pipe is to be used and at what slope?
- Will the sanitary sewer line, as proposed, avoid other proposed and
existing piping and structures?
- How will the pipe be staged on the project?
- Does the proposed venting system make sense? Are the vent locations
aesthetically acceptable?
- What water pipe and size is proposed?
- Do the water pipe runs conflict with other piping or structures?
- What is the insulation for the water piping?
- When will the water pipe insulation be installed?
- Do I understand the public (or on site) water and sewer rules
and requirements?
- How are as-built drawings getting done?
- What is the fuel used for heating? Gas, oil, coal, electricity,
- What is the type of cooling? Electric heat pump, electric air
conditioner, chiller, gas air conditioner, etc?
- How is the heat or cooling delivered to the occupant space? Hot
and cold ducted air system, hot and cold water system (hydronic or
steam), radiant heat system, etc?
- What is the ventilation? Summer ventilation with intake louvers and
fans, supply and return air with outside air introduced for ventilation,
dedicated ventilation system, etc?
- What are the sizes of the units, both for energy use and
physical dimensions and weights?
- Will the duct work interfere with other piping or structures?
- Are there noise or vibration issues I should be thinking about?
- How is the HVAC system going to be tested and balanced?
- Is there a commissioning process for the HVAC system?
- How are as-built drawings getting done?

- What are the requirements for the sprinkler main coming into the
- What is the fire hazard level of the building? Light Hazard?
Ordinary Hazard 1? Ordinary Hazard 2? Extra Hazard 1? Extra Hazard
- What is the Design Area and the Design Density?
- What is the basic concept of the sprinkler piping system? Tree?
Grid? Loop?
- What type of sprinkler heads will be used? Where?
- Can the control valving fit in the space allocated?
- Are there any dry systems, deluge systems or pre-action systems
- How are as-built drawings getting done?