1. Structural Steel, Steel Joists and Steel Deck
2. Cold Formed Steel Framing
3. Miscellaneous Metals
Structural Steel, Steel Joists and Steel Deck:
- Are the responsibilities for shop drawings clearly defined?
- Conformance to Design Professional requirements?
- Design of connections?
- Fit?
- Coordination with other trades?
- What are the tolerances for plumb, square and true?
- What items must be completed to get a guaranteed steel delivery
- Can structural steel be erected directly off of trucks? (no storage
- If steel must be stored, where and how? What are the
- What will be the condition of the site at erection?
- What type and size crane will be used?
- How closely can other trades follow erection? Consider the steps
of getting the steel plumb, braced and decked.
- Any layout responsibilities during erection? Think about brick
relief angles.
- Are joist and deck shop drawings clear?
- Are the bridging types and connections clear?
- Any top chord extensions or ceiling extensions required?
- Is the bearing length for the joist clear?
- Any sloped bearing or deep bearing requirements?
- Who is responsible to keep the steel deck from rusting?
- Is the screwing or welding pattern for the steel deck clear?
- Who provides steel deck pour stops, column closures, etc
preparing for the concrete pour?
- Must steel deck be shored for concrete placement?

Cold Formed Steel Framing:
- Who has wall layout? Is it coordinated with earlier layout of
plumbing drains?
- Are details for jambs, headers, corners, etc clear?
- What are the tolerances for plumb, square and true?
- Are there any special requirements for welding?

Miscellaneous Metals:
- Delivery time?
- Unloading, uncrating, installation?
- Fasteners included?
- What are the tolerances for plumb, square and true?